People with Disabilities Need to Stop Being Political Pawns People ask if I regret supporting Trump in light of everything developing in the federal sector. There are too many… Continue reading “People with Disabilities Need to Stop Being Political Pawns”…
Going Blind and Learning How to Deal with It Did you know blindness is the “ailment” people fear most? That’s not my choice of word. It comes from the… Continue reading “Going Blind and Learning How to Deal with It”…
September 11: Delayed, but Not Forgotten My problem with holidays is not that we observe them. Christ, mothers, fathers, veterans, our great country and many others… Continue reading “September 11: Delayed, but Not Forgotten”…
My Thoughts and Prayers are with Ukraine It’s a cold Saturday in February. I’m taking the dogs out to do their business, and across the street there’s… Continue reading “My Thoughts and Prayers are with Ukraine”…
Should You Give Homeless People Money? When you come across homeless people asking for money, do you give them some or keep walking? As of January… Continue reading “Should You Give Homeless People Money?”…
Diversity in the Workplace Fails People with Disabilities Why do conversations about diversity generally include every minority except people with disabilities? I originally wrote the article below in… Continue reading “Diversity in the Workplace Fails People with Disabilities”…
Keep Your Kindness to Yourself If You Plan to Charge Me Later Have you ever had someone do something nice for you? Very likely, but, how many times did they later hold… Continue reading “Keep Your Kindness to Yourself If You Plan to Charge Me Later”…
Preparing Blind People for the Rest of Reality There’s never been a better time to be blind, or so I’ve heard. And I have to ask: How low… Continue reading “Preparing Blind People for the Rest of Reality”…
Gator Tomorrow marks eight years since I lost my first guide dog to cancer. The original post acknowledging his passing was… Continue reading “Gator”…
There is Hope for the Young and Foolish Have you ever read something and thought to yourself: What the hell persuaded this moron to write that? There’s a… Continue reading “There is Hope for the Young and Foolish”…
The World is Thirsty for a Glass of Shut the Hell Up Sometimes people do a fair job of hiding their special nature. Other times they can’t wait to put it on… Continue reading “The World is Thirsty for a Glass of Shut the Hell Up”…
The Dream Job that Got Away What if what you thought you wanted to be is not what you were cut out to be? One afternoon… Continue reading “The Dream Job that Got Away”…
Life Lessons From a Funeral Home From time to time I’m going to share articles that resonated with me. The first is from my usual source… Continue reading “Life Lessons From a Funeral Home”…
The Biggest Challenge for the Blind Not long after the KNFB Reader app, an OCR app, came out, someone posted to a blindness technology forum asking… Continue reading “The Biggest Challenge for the Blind”…
A Double Tap to the Touch Screen Devil’s Head In the battle between touch screens and tactile buttons, the touch screen is quickly becoming the reigning champion. It’s not… Continue reading “A Double Tap to the Touch Screen Devil’s Head”…