The O Bulletin: These Financial Tips Scream Extreme!

How’s your summer going? Let me know what you’re up to in the comments, and as always, let me know what you think of the material.

Words of Wisdom

“Before you speak, listen.
Before you write, think.
Before you spend, earn.
Before you invest, investigate.
Before you criticize, wait.
Before you pray, forgive.
Before you quit, try.
Before you retire, save.
Before you die, give.”–William Arthur Ward

Reading Recommendation

This list is actually the second half of the fifty. Don’t forget to click on the link to read the first half.

50 Extreme Personal Finance Tips

“Tip 26

“Create a 1-2 year emergency fund. Traditional advice recommends 3-6 months, but this only buys you a little bit of time in true emergencies. Sometimes one emergency can wipe out a 6-month fund in no time. Read more.

This Week’s Tip

The Chase Sapphire Preferred card is one of nine credit cards currently offering a whopping 100,000 welcome points for signing up. If you redeem the points for travel via their Ultimate Rewards portal, this translates to $1,250. The catch? You have to spend $4,000 within the first three months. If you’re on the verge of making a major purchase, I would give offers like these serious consideration, but do not churn cards if your discipline with money is not healthy. Read more.

From the Archives

Are you into board games? Maybe a little monopoly? Well, if you were on the fence, it might motivate you to know the game can teach you a whole lot about life and finances.

6 Things Monopoly Can Teach You About Life

For whatever it’s worth, the problem with Monopoly is that you are dealing in limited resources. There are only so many houses to hand out, for example, but the up side to this arrangement is that it forces you to think more strategically about maximizing what you do have. Too often we fall into a trap of believing that we never have enough to succeed. Have you ever found yourself thinking life would be better if you had… Read more.

Do you have an item you’d like covered in the O Bulletin? Get in touch! I always love hearing from you.

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