Seeking Guest Posts

What’s the best piece of advice you would have given your younger self? And, what can I do to encourage you to share that with fellow readers?

That question has always been at the core of my blog. Experience is a great teacher, and I’m sure we all have stories we could share based on mistakes we’ve made. I’d love it if you would add your voice to the pool of wisdom.

For my part, it’s never been about showing young adults how to avoid life’s pitfalls. Short of wrapping our children in bubble wrap and never allowing them to leave the house, it’s impossible to protect them from some of life’s challenges. My goal here is to provide young adults, and the young at heart, a means of overcoming some of these obstacles using informed decisions. Looking back on your younger years, what incident taught you a valuable lesson that still resonates with you today?

I don’t pretend to have all the answers.

That’s where you come in.

I’d like you to consider writing an article for this blog. I know you have a story to tell. I know you have pearls of wisdom you wish you could pass along to others.

If you’ve always toyed with the idea of starting a blog but have not quite found the time to get one off the ground, this could be a great opportunity for you to try a blog post with zero pressure. You can later use the post to help launch your own publication, or not.

If you’re a seasoned blogger, this could be a great way to amplify your online presence to a different audience.

My parameters are pretty easygoing and straightforward:

  • Don’t plagiarize.
  • Don’t use your post as a sales piece.
  • Don’t aim for perfect writing.
  • Don’t feel like you need to write a thousand words.

I’m an easy person to collaborate. If you’re open to light editing, we’ll get along fine. I would never edit the piece in a way that diminishes your voice. In fact, I believe people are capable of knocking it out of the park on their first swing. I don’t like editing for the sake of editing.

If you have an image that could accompany your piece, great! If not, no big deal. We’ll find something that fits.

The most important element here is you, your story, and how you want it to connect with a young adult.

At present, I am unable to pay for submissions. I hope this will not deter you from making contributions. To say the value of your advice to young adults is priceless runs the risk of sounding cheesy, but based on the private notes I have received from random people who stumbled across these pages, I can tell you people are reading. Even better, people are listening, and I would love to share my platform with you to keep that mentorship momentum rolling.

When can I expect to hear from you? I have a strong feeling you have something valuable to share. You could write up something for your social media and run the risk of having the message getting lost in the barrage of competing posts, or you could send something to me using the Contact Form and guarantee it will be preserved and promoted for the long haul.

Thank you in advance. It will be a privilege to share your story with those who could truly benefit from your wisdom. And, you don’t have to be older to share sage advice. Some of the most intelligent older people recognize the value of listening to younger minds.

I can’t wait to see what you send me! Use the Contact form to get in touch.

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