The O Bulletin: The Winning Formula You Need to Never Work Again

My favorite summer activity is looking forward to the fall. I hate sweating, don’t need hot temperatures to enjoy the outdoors, and I write better fiction when darkness comes earlier. I’m weird, aren’t I?

Thought of the Week

“The tragedy in life is not found in failure but complacency. Not in doing too much, but doing too little. Not in you living above your means, but below your capacity. It’s not failure but aiming too low, that is life’s greatest tragedy.”–Benjamin E. Mays

Around the Web

I first caught this article on Medium, but I found you a free copy on the author’s website. Even in middle age, retirement can be difficult to consider, too much long-term thinking, but please do give this a read to help put things in perspective. Actually, glancing through the rest of his material, I think he’s putting out some good reads.

The 4% Rule: How Much Money Do You Need to Never Work Again?

Figuring out how much money you’d need to never work again is difficult for one simple reason: You don’t know how long you’re going to live.

If you knew you were going to live 10 more years and can get by on a budget of exactly $40,000, the math is simple:

$40,000/year x 10 years = $400,000.

If you live more than 10 years, you’re in trouble. Read more.

This Week’s Tip

What is the difference between a want and a need? Transitioning to financial consciousness is a beautiful thing. Your dollars stretch farther. Life’s emergencies are less likely to pull you under, and so on, but don’t forget money should be saved with a purpose lest you become resentful.

I was reading an article earlier this morning about a barber whose TikTok account went viral after he began providing hair replacement services. The confidence some of these men gain from the treatment has been epic and well worth the good money they’re spending to reclaim self-esteem.

At 39, I am blessed to still have a full head of hair, but should the day come when my confidence could use a boost from such a service, I’ll strongly consider it. A good quality of life, even if it is internal, is a worthy expense.

From the Archives

It makes no sense to thoroughly plan for retirement if you die before you get there. All the well-intentioned career advice in the world won’t do you any good if you aren’t healthy enough to enjoy that career. Just because you do intelligent things like take out a life insurance policy to protect your family doesn’t mean you should plunge headfirst into your grave, but the bottom line is that the decisions you make as a young person could have a long lasting impact on your future. Read more.

See you next week!

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