
This is a growing list of financial resources I consistently use in my personal life. It is not an exhaustive list; there are resources I have left out, because their authors tend to push their products a bit more adamantly than I would like. As with anything, please use these resources wisely. Do not take their advice for gospel. Do your own research, and let me know if there are resources that should either be removed or added.

Afford Anything

Afford Anything is a movement rooted in one idea: You can afford anything, but not everything — and that’s true not only for your money, but also your time, focus, energy and attention.

Bankrate: Master Life’s Financial Journey

Bankrate is a personal finance company that guides people through pivotal steps of their financial journey. Whether you’re a recent college graduate searching for your first mortgage, or a retiree seeking effective ways to safely grow your savings, Bankrate provides accurate rate information, intuitive calculators and curated editorial content to help you reach your goals.

Consumer Action

Through multilingual financial education materials, community outreach, and issue-focused advocacy, Consumer Action empowers underrepresented consumers nationwide to assert their rights in the marketplace and financially prosper.

Credit Karma | Free Credit Score & Free Credit Reports With Monitoring

The first thing we do is give you free access to your credit scores, reports and monitoring. Once you know where you stand, we help you figure out your next move. Maybe you need to dispute an error on your credit report. We could help with that. Maybe you’re paying too much in interest. We could help with that too. … We want you to feel good about your options and make informed financial decisions. That means giving you the right information at the right time so you can zero in on what’s important.

NerdWallet: Make all the right money moves

We’re on a mission to provide clarity for all of life’s financial decisions. Our tools and advice make it easy to expertly pay off debt, choose the best financial products and services (think credit cards and insurance) and tackle major life goals, like buying a house and saving for retirement.

The Simple Dollar

When his financial issues came to a head in 2006, Trent Hamm resolved to get out of debt for good. Trent’s journey to financial freedom inspired him to share the strategies that worked for him — and The Simple Dollar was born. Today, we serve around one million visitors per month. We’re ranked as a Top Ten Personal Finance Blog on Kiplinger and in the Technorati Top Twenty for business and finance blogs. We’ve also been featured in some of the world’s largest publications, including The New York Times, Inc., Forbes, Business Insider, and TIME.

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