
How many books have you read more than once?

You might scoff at the notion. Why read a book more than once when there is such a growing collection of titles now available on so many mediums?

Well, that might be true. Nonetheless, there are books I have found so exceptionally well written that it will take multiple times to read before I can begin to fully appreciate their value. Despite the different genres highlighted here, the common thread is that each of these books have been read more than once and will likely be read again. They are books I would strongly encourage you to check out.

Please use the menu below to peruse the categories. This is an evolving list. At present, there are missing categories, and missing books from the existing categories. I will soon be adding more to the collection. Check back here from time to time to see new additions, and if you have a spare moment, feel free to drop me a line if you think of a great recommendation I might like based on the titles you see.

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