The O Bulletin – 7 Life Lessons from a Guy Who Can’t Move Anything but His Face

I’ve spent the better part of the past week suffering from pain in my jaw. I would say it’s a toothache, except I can’t really pinpoint a specific tooth. The pain has radiated from my jaw to my temple and back of my head, and even though I saw my dentist, the antibiotic she prescribed has not worked. Neither has over-the-counter pain killer. I am absolutely miserable.

I can’t emphasize how important it is to stay on top of your health. Dental work is especially crucial, because the expenses will only increase the longer you postpone your visit. Even a good cleaning every six months can help prevent problems down the road.

Get a physical exam every year. The older you get, the more critical this will be at diagnosing serious issues.

Thought of the Week

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”–Winston Churchill

Around the Web

If you’re going to apply for a credit card, apply for the ones where you have a good shot at getting approved. Remember, each application is a hard pull on your credit report. I found this resource mentioned in one of the newsletters I read daily.

The CardMatch tool, explained

The sign-up offers that credit card issuers display to the general public aren’t always the best deals available at any given time. Sometimes banks quietly target specific consumers with even better options. While there’s no one way to ensure you are included among the lucky ones who can get an even better welcome bonus, there are some ways to at least quickly check to see if a better offer is available to you. Read more.

Around the Web, Part 2

I don’t want you to think it’s all financial here. This is an excellent article I’ve reread over time and think it’s worth immortalizing in my own website. If anything, it’ll make it easier for me to find when I need a kick in the pants.

7 Life Lessons from a Guy Who Can’t Move Anything but His Face

“It’s not a joke.

“The only parts of my body I can move are my eyes and lips. My hands, feet, arms, and legs, are almost totally paralyzed, managing the occasional twitch and nothing more.

“And yet… I have an amazing life.” Read more.

This Week’s Tip

Seriously, stay on top of your medical needs!

Book Recommendation

Be Not Far From Me by Mindy McGinnis

Move over Hatchet. A new young adult wilderness survival book has taken over that genre throne, at least in my literary world.

I’m not giving anything away by telling you the book is about a girl who gets lost in the woods. How she gets lost is interesting and fuels the story in a high school drama kind of way, but we don’t stay long on the drama element. This is not bubble gum young adult romance.

McGinnis wrote something raw here, white vivid bone kind of raw. If you have a queasy stomach, don’t read while enjoying your lunch.

I don’t have the outdoor adventure background to know if what she wrote about nature was accurate; however, it was written in a way to make me appreciate the plot line.

This was one of the first books to inspire a 5 star without my usual prerequisite that it be a book I will read again. Check it out. At just over five hours, you’ll be done in no time but will be pleasantly satisfied.

Until next week!

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